Sunday, 12 May 2013

Let's tackle this poster!

I was advised to be different and illustrate my poster with screw heads. I drew out 4 screw heads but I only chose 3 of them. I then scanned them in and edited them in photoshop.

This was my first poster. I soon realized that the black background and the strap line weren't working so I scraped it.

This was my second attempt at my poster. I added more screws and worked in the shape of a square withing the poster. But with advice from my tutors, I edited this poster.
This was my 3rd attempt at the poster. I added more screw heads and made them a lot smaller.

I don't have a picture of my final poster because it's on the wall in the studio waiting for assesment.

Ideas for a screw

At the start of the brief I drew different types of screws to get an understanding of the shape and thread of the object. The 4 screws drawn are two philips head, flat head and and square head.

 Here is some of my ideas for part A of the brief of everyday objects.
For this I brainstormed the idea of people celebrating being unique by having piercing as I do myself so I replaced traditional piercings with screws. I talked this idea out with my tutor but she thought the idea was too gruesome than celebration
The other idea was covering a skateboard with screws for fun aspect.
And finally the other idea on the page was the idea I went with for part A. It's a screwdriver and screw combined so that the term screw driver was actually what was seen.

On this page I drew a human skull in celebration of the idea that screws are used as a medical tool in certain situations. The skull covered in screws was very Damien Hirst style and the other other was screws holding the skull together.
At the bottom the idea of the jaw being held together with screws and a hinge but the hinge idea wasn't really celebrating the screw.

This was my final illustration for part A. I drew the screwdriver and then coloured it in with colouring pencils. I'm really happy with how this turned out.