Sunday, 30 September 2012

Rachel Whiteread

I really like Rachel Whitereads sculpture of the house. It is such a random and unique concept and I think it was really effective. I like the way it was very large scale and had a visual impact on the enviornement.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

New idea.. GLASSES!

Over the weekend I was rattling my brain to try and come up with ideas for fear, than it hit me that I had no interest in that area! I spent the rest of the weekend and Monday trying to come up with a new idea and I thought to myself that personal space might be an interesting topic to look at. I looked at what I let into my space and how it affects me. I brainstormed ideas and objects and my glasses was one of them. The I started thinking that my glasses would be an interesting object to look at!
My glasses effect my perception of space and how I see the world. Without my glasses, everything is blurry and my sense of space is shortened as I am short sited. I need to negotiate the space I inhabit so that I am able to see what is infront of me clearly, if i sit far away from something I find myself squinting.
I want to be able to portray this through visual work to show people how my sight is effects my life and perceptions. Glasses will always be a part of my everyday life and who I am. Without them, the world scares me as every objest becomes a threat as I just can't see them. I want people to see space from my world, blurred and undifined.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

The eye..

I drew a picture of an eye to represent fear. When a person is scared or experiencing fear their eyes widen, exaggerating the situation. I thought this was interesting so using charcoal I drew an eye that was widened and the charcoal had the effect of how fear can seem like a black and white situation, there is never an inbetween.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Hedgehog in the Fog [Yuriy Norshteyn, 1975]

"Hedgehog in the Fog" is a short animated film by Yuriy Norshteyn from Russia.
I've always had a huge interest in animation and i really wanted to find an animation to fit in with my idea of fear.
The hedgehog experiences fear as he walks trough the fog to meet his friend the bear.
I thought this film was adorable and cute! But, it had a serious side as the hedgehog was petrified of what was hidden in the fog. I felt sorry for the cute and innocent animal.

The detail of the work really interested me. The way the animals were created and the colour used caught my attention imediately.

Intro :)

Induction week has passed and now it's time to get down to work! Last week we were given our brief: "To Sense My Space" and we were left to figure out our ideas ourselves. I didn't start to brainstorm my ideas untill this week. I didn't have a clear idea as to what to do or what my main idea was so I brainstormed just a few of my thoughts.
I came up with the idea of invasion of space and the first thing that came to my head was spiders and since I'm an arachnophobic I definetly felt that they invaded my space! Then my second idea came to me: fear. Invasion of space and fear go hand and hand so I decieded to exlpore both those themes together instead of just looking at my fear of spiders.